
Showing posts from August, 2020




 WHAT IS MATERIALS ?      Materials is a substance or, mixture of a more substance that is use for as input in manufacturing process and can be used for making or doing something . New materials are produced from raw materials . Mild steel, tor steel, cast iron, aluminium, copper, concrete, bricks, tiles, stones, timbers, glass are commonly used materials for engineering purpose.  Important properties of materials are mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, magnetic, physical, etc. practically in engineering generally materials are used for structural purpose, machine parts or electrical & electronics devices CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS  Elastic material :  A material is said to be perfectly elastic when the deformation produced under the action of external loads and regains its original size and shape after remove external deforming load. for example:- rubber are the best example of elastic material Plastic material:- A materials is said to be...


 METAL CASTING PROCESS  What is casting ? Casing process is defined as the process of producing metal or alloy component of desired shape by pouring it into mould by used necessary cooling process to solidify & this solidify metal or alloy piece is known as casting  The manufacturer of a casting requires Preparation of pattern Preparation of mould with the help of the pattern  Melting the metal or alloy in the farnance  Pouring of molten metal into mould cavity Breaking the mould to retrieve the casting Cleaning the casting and cutting of risers, runners etc. Inspection of casting  The place where casting process are carried out is known as foundry, Casting is also known as founding.(bellow image shows foundry) Casting are made in a large number of metal and alloys , both ferrous and non-ferrous, grey cast iron components are very common; Steel castings are stonger and are used for components subjected to higher stresses. Bronze and brass casting are us...

Forging process & type of forging process

 WHAT IS FORGING  ?            Forging is metal forming process to giving required shape & size to red hot metal by applied   impact force           forging is process where metal and alloy first heated above its cretical tempreture and after that  compressive force is applied to get final shape by plastic deformation Types of forging :- smith and hand forging  drop forging press forging  machine forging , upset forging    SMITH FORGING :-            In this type of forging smith is used to to get shaped & hammer on red hot metal manually Hence  its also called as Hand forging.                                   DROP FORGING :-           In the drop forging process the red hot metal and alloy placed on die and after that first raised...