Materials is a substance or, mixture of a more substance that is use for as input in manufacturing process and can be used for making or doing something . New materials are produced from raw materials .
  • Mild steel, tor steel, cast iron, aluminium, copper, concrete, bricks, tiles, stones, timbers, glass are commonly used materials for engineering purpose. 
  • Important properties of materials are mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, magnetic, physical, etc.
  • practically in engineering generally materials are used for structural purpose, machine parts or electrical & electronics devices


  • Elastic material

A material is said to be perfectly elastic when the deformation produced under the action of external loads and regains its original size and shape after remove external deforming load.
for example:- rubber are the best example of elastic material

  • Plastic material:-

A materials is said to be plastic material when the deformation produce under the action of external loads and does't regains its original size and shape after removal external deforming load .
for example:- clay and lead are the beast examples of plastic material

  • Ductile material:-

material can be drawn into thin wire under deformation of tensile force . ductile material must be both strong and plastic ductile material gives prior warning before deformation.
for example :- gold , mild steel, copper, platinum, silver etc.

  • Brittle material :- 
 if the material cannot  undergo any deformation under the action of external load and it fails by rapture its called as brittle material . brittle material fails suddenly upon attaining its maximum load and small tensile strain upto the point of rapture. 
for example :- cast iron , concrete, glass, stone, etc.


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